
Hi! I’m Beth Anne Fisher: theologian,
PhD candidate, coach and Consultant.

My work is rooted in the belief that spirituality and the social sciences are collaborative partners that can strengthen and support whole-person thriving. To that end, I am committed to working in intersectional, trauma-informed, and embodied ways. 

My guess is that you’re here because you’re curious about one of the two following options…. 

A photo of a white femme person with short curly hair and blue eyes. They are smiling at the camera.


VBIP: neurodivergent coaching

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SUSTAINED: faith leadership

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I make my home in the lands of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Mississauga, and Attiwonderonk peoples. As a settler, I am responsible to fulfill my role in the Dish with One Spoon treaty by caring for the land and people around me, seeking reconciliation through community repentance, advocating for political reform and and reparations, and speaking up for the right of Indigenous people to self-determination.